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Our Courses

Daily Islamic Supplications (Duain)

Learn Daily Supplication Online

Islam is a religion of peace and a complete code of life for mankind. Its name itself denotes peace, and it exhorders us to be good to others and ourselves. Islam orders us to lead lives full of blessings using this approach. For this reason, Islam and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) have taught us numerous daily Islamic supplications (Islamic duain) to strengthen our faith and connection with Allah Almighty. These Quran duain serve as a guide to help Muslims remember Allah in every aspect of life.

TarteeleQuran is offering an exclusive opportunity to Learn Daily Supplication Online for kids, adults, and women. This course includes learning prayers for every moment of daily life, starting from dawn to dusk. There are many prayers for many different events, including waking up, eating, getting in or out of the house, and even for defense against Shaitan. Emphasizing the value of this Islamic duain, which enables us to flee from the whispers of Shaitan, the biggest enemy of our faith, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

In addition, there are Quran duain for specific months and events, guiding for every season and special occasion in a Muslim’s life. These prayers not only bring us closer to Allah but also protect us spiritually.
Let’s Learn Daily Supplication Online at TarteeleQuran. This is a complimentary course provided alongside the regular Quran Reading with Tajweed course. There are no additional fees for this course. Simply ask your teacher to add this course to your learning history and start benefiting from the vast treasure of daily Islamic supplications.

Start your journey today to strengthen your connection with Allah by learning Islamic duain and Quran duain that can bless every moment of your life.